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Smoothies to Stop Acne

nutrition May 30, 2022


Acne can be a terrible experience for most people, regardless of the age. The misconception from people who have not had severe acne is that it is only a visible issue. The truth is, severe acne can be very painful and cause pain in the face, or the affected area, and severe discomfort throughout the day. The problem with this is, there is medication to help reduce the acne, but not a lot out there to help with the pain as well. If you find yourself dealing with this, you may have heard that food can be medicine but felt that it would not work with acne. The truth is, it may work for you if you combine foods to make a smoothie. Here are some smoothies that can help with all aspects of your acne.


Beginner Clearing Smoothie

This smoothie is for people who are new to smoothies and who want to start clearing their skin. It is designed to help you start on a clearing routine that will help reduce acne and allow you to add more or less to your smoothie. It gives you the baby steps and building blocks you need all in one drink. The smoothie is fairly easy to make. You need 1 frozen banana, ½ of an avocado, 1 cup of frozen strawberries, 1 ½ cups of spinach, and 1 cup of coconut milk. Mix all of the ingredients together until you reach the consistency you want. You may start seeing results in a matter of a few days.

Pina Colada Smoothie

You may not think of pina colada being a morning option, but in smoothie form they can bring you energy and they can reduce acne. This smoothie requires 1 cup of pineapple, 1 ½ cups of spinach, 1 frozen banana, 3 tablespoons of coconut flakes, and 1 cup of coconut milk or water. This smoothie can help reduce acne by giving you potassium and natural coconut milk. The natural boost tends to help people reduce their need for sugars and salts and helps you remove those foods from your diet. This will curb your cravings and in effect curb the ingestion of the foods that may be causing your acne.


Vegetable Garden Smoothie

If you need a boost of vegetables in your diet then you may want to remove yourself from the fruit smoothie option and go with a vegetable smoothie instead. The vegetable garden smoothie tends to remind people of popular vegetable juices. You can add any vegetables you want, but the most common base for these smoothies is tomato. Three tomatoes is usually a good start. At that point, you can add fresh herbs like rosemary, cilantro, and parsley. One cup of carrots, celery, and cucumbers also help boost vitamins and minerals to the body.