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Reduce Inflammation With Healthy Superfoods

nutrition Sep 06, 2021

Reduce Inflammation With Healthy Superfoods

Inflammation is a huge issue for people from all walks of life. There is a misconception that inflammation is primarily something that elderly people or obese people deal with. The truth is, runners and yoga enthusiasts can experience inflammation just as much as anyone else. Expectant mothers also can experience inflammation as well. With that in mind, you may want to consider the types of superfoods that can reduce inflammation or help reduce it at the onset.



If your main concern and push to use superfoods is to help with inflammation then you need to grab turmeric root or turmeric powder. This simple root, in organic or powder form, can help greatly to reduce inflammation throughout the body. The way it is normally taken is by mixing it with a nut based milk. You can't just add it directly, however. You will need to create a turmeric paste by mixing the powder with water and cooking on low heat on the stove. When you get a peanut butter thick paste, remove from the heat and let it cool. Use a third to half teaspoon in warm nut milk. Add vanilla to the nut milk if the bitterness is too heavy for you. Drink the nut milk one to three times a day depending on the level of inflammation in the body.


Tart Cherries

Cherries come in a variety of options. For inflammation, you need to find either tart or black cherries. The cherries can be eaten directly for inflammation assistance or made into a juice if the inflammation is more severe. You will need at least one cup of cherries, with the pits removed, or a cup of the juice. The cherries will help to reduce the inflammation and are especially helpful with foot swelling that expectant mothers tend to experience. It is also safe for pregnancy. You can also find this in an organic vegan form already juiced at most whole and health food stores.



You may not think of fish as something that helps with inflammation. The truth is wild salmon can help greatly due to the fish oils, Omega 3 fatty acids, and the DHA. By eating salmon at least once a week you can help reduce the inflammation in your body and keep it at bay.


These are just a few of the foods. They are the easiest to find and the most budget friendly. Keep in mind, you can look beyond superfoods themselves and look at superfood based juices as well. These can also help with inflammation while giving you the boost of superfood that you need.