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Primal Babe Approved Superfoods

nutrition Aug 02, 2021

Primal Babe Approved Superfoods

The Primal Babe Lifestyle has many advantages including being naturally gluten-free and offering a low-carb option for people trying to drop weight. If you are on the paleo diet, you may be wondering how to give the eating plan a bigger boost to help jump start your workout or your weight loss. One of the ways you can do this is with superfoods. Here are a few of the superfoods that are considered paleo friendly.


Fermented Cod Liver Oil

Fermented cod liver oil is a superfood that is usually found in a capsule form. You can get the benefits from eating fish, but you can get an added boost from these capsules. The cod liver oil contains vitamins A, D, EPA, and DHA. This specific superfood is ideal for pregnant women as well. A key point to remember with this superfood is to buy the capsules in a dark bottle as light will break down the oil and reduce the effectiveness.


Bone Broth

When you think of the potential that broth can bring to your diet, you may think that any broth will do. Well, that can be true for other plans like strict low-carb. However, if you are on a paleo diet you will want to stick to a bone broth to get the full benefits for both your paleo diet plan and for the superfood benefits. Bone broth gives you a burst of gelatin and collagen. It helps with gut issues that you may have during a new eating plan change. It will also help with hair and nail growth. Most people on the paleo diet will drink bone broth in replacement of a hot beverage, especially during the winter.


Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is a staple in many diets lately, but it is the easiest to find and use in paleo. This is because traditional oils and cooking options are either hard to find, like duck fat, or aren't paleo friendly. Coconut oil is easy to use as not only a cooking spray, but also as a fat in baking and in fried options of paleo foods. The oil offers the ability to help your body get rid of yeasts than can be harmful to your system as well as fungus and some bacteria’s.